Monday, December 28, 2009

my new obsession..

Cammy has told me, like a trillion times, how much fun it is editing videos.. She was not exaggerating, I'm totally hooked! Sooo addictive! All the sudden a whole new world has opened up to me, haha, I mentally convert everything I see into video clips/ pictures and imagine all the possibilities in adding it up and syncing it with music etc. It's fantastically insane, would like to label it WMD (wonderful mental disorder). I've been in to photography for the longest time, but dude, this stuff takes all the things I love about shooting to a completely different level! I'm a geek, I know.. But I'm really at peace with my geekyness which make me able to just enjoy the rush and totally crack out on it for hours;) Speaking of which, headphones are on and I'm checking out in..3...2...1....

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